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Terms & Conditions
GOTHVW Weekend tickets


We regret that we cannot cancel, exchange, refund or transfer tickets unless the event has been cancelled or rescheduled.


The weekend programme may be altered or varied due to events or circumstances beyond its control. The GOTHVW general site rules apply (see below).


1.    No unaccompanied under 16’s are allowed on site. Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult over 18.


2.    Children aged 10 and under are free but must be pre-booked, be wearing an appropriate wristband (issued at on arrival) and be accompanied by a paying adult.


3.    Youths aged 11 to 16, must be wearing an appropriate wristband (issued on arrival) and must be accompanied by a paying adult.  


4.    Any youth looking over 16, age ID will be requested at the gate.  Youths will be issued with ‘youth’ wristband and will not be served at the bar.  Any Youth trying to purchase alcohol, will be required to purchase an adult wristband.


5.    Tickets or Wristbands are non-transferable once on site.


6.    Tickets can only be purchased through the GOTHVW website.


7.    On arrival you will be asked for proof of ticket purchase and issued with a wristband. Wristbands must be worn at all times, and re-entry will be refused without a wristband.


8.    In order to ensure the security, safety and comfort of all in attendance a breach of any of these conditions or any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury shall be asked to leave without refund and banned from future events.


9.    The Organisers are unable to accept liability for personal damages, losses or injuries sustained at this event - including damage and losses to property and motor vehicles.


10.    Strictly no trading allowed that has not been pre-booked and is not within the trader area.


11.    You give your express consent to your actual or simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any film, photograph, audio and/or audio-visual recording to be exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time. This includes filming by the police or security staff that may be carried out for the security of customers or the prevention of crime.


12.    The following items may not be brought into the venue: Illegal Substances, Nitrous Oxide, Sky Lanterns, Megaphones, Air Horns, Spray Cans, Fireworks, Chinese lanterns, Flares and anything else the organisers deem dangerous to the event, the area the event is hosted on, other patrons, animals and the environment. 


13.    The show is situated on agricultural land and any item that may cause distress to wildlife, damage to the grounds, or cause concern to the local community. Any Items will be confiscated, and if necessary, the authorities informed.


14.    Persons suspected of carrying items that may be used in an offensive or dangerous manner, or carrying out illegal activities within the show will be asked to leave and will not be refunded.


15.    To protect your own safety and those of other guests, please act responsibly. Antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated.


16.    All visitors are asked to comply with all relevant safety signs, safety announcements and advisory notices over the weekend, and comply with all site rules whilst attending the event.


17.    The speed limit for all vehicles in the Site is 5 mph. All vehicle movements to be kept to a minimum, essential vehicle movement only between 10pm and 9am.


18.    Motorized scooters/ bikes/ skateboards, homemade models/vehicles (other than for disabled users) are not permitted at this event.


19.    The lake and surrounding areas of the show perimeter are strictly out of bounds.


20.    Dogs must be kept on leads and under control at all times. Dog excrement is to be immediately cleaned up and disposed of only in the bins provided.


21.    Wrist bands to be worn at all times.  Anyone found not wearing a band will be asked to leave or pay again.


22.    Ticket price is for entry to G.O.T.H.  There are no concessions for anyone not staying for the full weekend.


23.    The lake & surrounding areas are strictly out of bounds. So, no skinny dipping, pooing in the woods or climbing trees.


24.    Raised BBQs are fine, but please do not leave them unattended at any time.  


25.    Fire pits may only be used with a ground plate.  DO NOT BURN THE GRASS, the landowner gets very upset. 


26.    DO NOT put BBQ’s or Fire pits in tents or under gazebos, you know the risks.


27.    Strictly NO fireworks, or Chinese lanterns.


28.    Please clean up after your dogs.  Always keep them under control and STRICTLY on a lead.


29.    Please help us to keep the site clean and tidy. Please put bagged rubbish in the skip provided near the entrance gate. Bins will be located iaround the entertainment area.   If possible, take ‘your’ rubbish home with you.


30.    Please ensure all glass and metal bottle tops are put out of harm’s way.  Please don’t bring glass into the marquee.  Remember this is a children’s play area too!


31.    When setting up camp, please take SAFETY into consideration.  Leave space for emergency vehicles and to help prevent fires spreading.




33.    .... Oh, and no smoking or vaping in the Marquee (it’s against the law, don’t you know?)

© 2023 by Gathering Off The Hill

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